
Tuesday, 5 January 2010

A bit of a 17thC day

Well I absolutely had to start making today, there is only so long one can wander around tidying and neatening piles of things in a workshop that doesn't have enough space to swing the proverbial cat in. Maybe I don't want a bigger workshop after all, I would just prevaricate even more then. The clay was as I could have predicted, shall we say slightly on the chilly side but it's character building isn't it this extreme potting. More snow last night so the road was a little easier to walk on with the crispy layer on top of the thick ice and I'm getting used to having over a dozen items of clothing on, requires you to move in a slightly more ungainly manner even than usual but the end result is worth it.
The pot above I have seen in the V&A's new gallery a couple of times and each time I have probably left smudgy nose marks on the glass trying to get as close as I could to it, that and it's little partner next door to it, mmmmm, tasty as they come.

So here are my first pots of the year, my probably too tidy versions of these little 17th Century delights.
Got to start somewhere though don't you. Good to throw again though had to get up and do some jigging around every now and again to get the blood flowing in my legs. The little one above is in the lovely Stoke on Trent Museums book and on their great website.

Hope everyone is managing to keep warm and toasty and safe in this amazing stretch of cold weather.


  1. Looking at that first cup I thought it was one of yours and I said to myself, She got a nice firing on that.
    I love, love, love that stripy cup.
    Happy potting.

  2. Have you been prevaricating all this time, Hannah?

  3. warm and toasty indeed H....yep have to look that one up!!

  4. ah got it.. that's what we call an avoidance technique!..

  5. Thanks for the link to the museum!
    I too dressed up like Bibendum , rolled up my (many) sleeves and set to....
    but after throwing only four pots I realized that I really needed to feel my fingertips...and my hands...if I was going to continue!!

    Keep potting!!

  6. Warm water is so wonderful in winter. Thanks for the museum link, I feel inspiration coming on.

  7. but warm water dries your skin very quickly. I throw with slip and keep the slip-pot (a litre yoghurt pot with a lid and handle) in the warm kitchen when not in use.
    Slip also means less splashing and the clay you are throwing doesn't get over-wetted!
