
Friday, 12 February 2010

Seven Year Itch

Friday again, feels like it's been a long time coming this week. Unpacked another glaze kiln this afternoon and some more pots that I like a lot lot lot have come out, I didn't have much time at the end of the day to photograph them for you, turned into a bit of a rush to get packed up and home in the end after quite a gentle meander through the earlier parts of the day. Got a telling off from a customer who appeared late on in the afternoon because he had been trying to ring for nigh on an hour but the phone was engaged. Oops, that'll be because me and Doug were setting the world to rights - again! Good to chat Doug.
The jugs above are very much inspired by some that I saw in the Museum of London almost exactly a year ago. It's taken me that long to make them in the way that I wanted them to look. I've tried a couple of times but these are by far my faves, in fact the other attempts didn't even get to the handling stage never mind the rest of the journey.
Speaking of anniversaries and journeys, I forgot to mention it on the day but I did think about it on wednesday, the 10th was 7 years since starting my business so as a result I think I'll go try my hand at being a blacksmith instead. I fancy knocking ten bells out of a lump of metal for a change. Anyway yes I always remember that date, sticks in my mind, seven years is a long time really, it's incredible how much can happen in that time. Phew, makes me dizzy even starting to think about it all.

Hoolet plate, I like him, he's a little heavy, his rim is maybe thicker than it needs to be but I was still a little unsure with these wide rims and just how much they can cope with when they get slipped though I brushed the slip on so there wouldn't be as much trauma involved in that as there would be in pouring it. He's got a great powerful stare I think.

eek, very blurry picture, that's how much of a rush I was in, speeding along to the next thing. Sorry about that.
Almost lost the camera taking this picture. I liked the reflection and reached for the camera thinking, hmmm better not drop it now as I dropped it, it bounced off the rim and hit the floor for about the nine millionth time in it's life and yet another tiny screw disappeared from the casing. It is now fetchingly held together with masking tape, tells a tale of a hard life.

Linda Bloomfield sent me this link to another blog post this week. You need a bit of time to sit down and read it but whether or not you agree it's an interesting meander through the world of British tableware.


  1. Yep, I'm with Anna. I like the hilly trees, too.

  2. heloooo mr thinks you should get a rubber camera!!

  3. For only 7 years in you are producing some great wares.
    Seems like you are scratching all the right places.
    I like them all!

  4. "I think I'll go try my hand at being a blacksmith instead. I fancy knocking ten bells out of a lump of metal for a change". well theres me thinking I was an artist rather than a hooligan. your welcome to come and knock bells anytime, though I am knackered by the time ive knocked four, so ten is impressive

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