
Friday, 21 May 2010

Friday sunshine

The first t-shirt no jumper day of the year! That took me by surprise. It's been a busy day, as per usual, I had to venture out into the town today. I haven't been to Dumfries in what feel s like ages so I had a big list, bank, stationers, arts centre to pick up taster exhibition work of mine and a few others, petrol, banana box collection, gazebo borrowing. Phew, good to get back to the workshop.
A few pots out of the kiln today, some good ones I think, lots of jugs for an order and another bisque firing straight in. Busy times busy times.


  1. Spring is a good thing, isn't it? Even if it comes late. Love that charger in the upper left.

  2. Or plate ... or whatever it is ...

  3. yeh me too H, which one? both of you... if i were closer id grab that one... its hot!!!

  4. Oh, very subtle and tatalising.... Is that one of our tiles...?

    Look forward to seeing you next weekend


  5. hahahaha you spotted it Dave, well done, extra points for observation. Half are done, the other half are slowly rising in temperature as we speak so fingers crossed for them.
    very much looking forward to seeing you two too and hearing your stories about visiting studios being as I've never actually done SF as a visitor. Have fun!x
