
Monday, 19 July 2010

Slippy slippy days are back

I've been slipping pots this last week, trying desperately to be careful and not spend too long doing any one thing before stretching and moving about and trying not to hunch over and trying not to over do it. Any way, guess what! I over did it. There were so many pots desperately needing slipping, about 120 for the Solway Yacht Club. So now they are done and sat drying though in this flipping weather that could take quite some time and time I do not have at the moment. Hopefully I'll get them in a big fat full bisque tomorrow. This picture below is just a few of the mugs that have been slipped.

I tried throwing again today, I threw 3 lids for jars. That was plenty thank you very much. I'll try again tomorrow, I have some very soft clay sat waiting so that should be better and I'll use the electric wheel for the time being too.
I had a though this weekend as we were out and about in my van (chuckle chuckle), Paul says I'm just going to upset people if I don't learn to drive like the stereotypical white van person, he says I'm far too polite to drive a white van. Anyhow I thought it would be amusing to go to one of those really smart hotels, you know the ones where you drive up to the front and a member of staff parks your car while another takes your bags (I've never been to one but I've seen them on films). I thought we could put our clothes in builders sacks and drive up in the van and see what they say. I bet they're trained not to bat an eyelid but I think it'd be a funny thing to do.

Here's a couple more pictures from the civic reception last week in Dumfries. Looking out the window now I can hardly believe it was that sunny that day. This is myself and Jools Cox who was there representing The Orchard Project.

A photograph of our hand bags, just to prove that the three of us can "do" handbags. My hand bag trauma was almost none existence as I own a grand total of one so there were no choices needing to be made. The only problem being that you can't get very much in it and I do like to have things with me.

Here is the three of us at the start of the day, Natalie Vardey practising her curtsy while myself and Jools are obviously amused by something, probably it was the giddiness kicking in before we passed to the near hysteria stage later on. Next time we go to a 'do' (ha next time!) we are going to go in a chariot so that we can remain standing up so avoid creases in our clothing.


  1. Nice wee boats - you're a pro! Very impressive hand bags too, I can't pretend to match that one. Take care with all that kiln packing, I mean back-wise.

  2. You're too funny...a chariot! Ha. The boats are cool. Take care, don't over do it....again.

  3. Love the boats.So simple.Please post a picture of them after firings.

  4. A van and work!
    A dress and a bag!
    You are living the life!

  5. Delightful! So good to see that you have been able to slip the mugs and do some catching up. Nice boats too. Hope you do take the white van to a posh hotel, it would be a lot of fun! I did something like that a million years ago when I was 17, a student, and still fairly new to painting (and to NZ). I took an armload of my paintings wrapped up in old newspaper into a really posh little gallery, and was cheeky enough to get them to hang them. Dare I admit it.., (it does get worse) I had been playing around with accents (I was a student at the time....), "American" one day, "English" another, and "Scottish" happened to be still fresh in my ears the day I breezed into the gallery. When I started speaking, I realized, to my consternation, that "Scottish" I still was, and so I had to continue my negotiations with a wee rolling of rrrrs and other linguistic modifications gained from watching the Andy Stewart show! It must have worked, because the paintings got hung... but..., I am soooo ashamed!!

  6. ladies that lunch!! Such style - will Castle Douglas ever recover.......
