
Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Sitting in the Sunflowers and Thank You for Not Being an Estate Agent

This is part of the not always polite and orderly queuing system in operation by the myriad of birds that are faces at the feeding points in the garden. A lovely to place to wait your turn though don't you think. Reminds me of Jack in the Beanstalk.

Most of my time this week seems to have been spent in a sea of bubble wrap and boxes, pots heading off to new homes right left and centre. That reminds me, if you look to up to the right there near my email address there's a new link to Pots in their New Homes. It's quite a small category at the moment so if you have any of my pots in your house what are they doing? Where do they live? I'd love to add to that little gallery. Pots this week have gone to Cambridge, Dumfries House and to lots of special order customers, I hope they all have safe trips.

Busy busy sgraffito-ing some jugs today. They are maybe a bit deceptive in size, the picture below will show you how big they are. Sweeties.

Did you see that one coming. Thanks Dan!

Here's one of the pots about to go off on it's journey. I have a tendency to probably over pack things but I'd far rather spend the time doing that than the piece not get to it's destination safely. The legs and neck of this Beastie Oil Pourer are wrapped in strips pf bubble and that's it's head there between it's knees. These days I pack pots in bubble and then wrap a layer of corrugated card around them, the card is from the local framer in Castle Douglas and he uses some in his garden but he has lots of spare of it and it's great. Thanks Roger.

The latest Ceramic Review came through the door this afternoon so a cup of tea and a quick scan through it. There is a new editor there now, a Bonnie Kemske who has taken over from Emmanuel Cooper who had been there since the magazine began so it will be with interest that I watch to see what changes Bonnie Kemske will bring about. As a potter making 'proper pots' I do sometimes find it frustratingly empty of such things. It's not that I want only to see that sort of pot in there, I do find it interesting to see what else is going on in the world of clay but I do think there are people who in my opinion deserve to get some recognition in there but never do. Maybe then I should do something about that. Maybe I should start writing?
This is the only page that I have read fully so far though, the familiar face of Alex McErlain there, my tutor at college, the person that made me want to make pots, I'm so grateful you didn't say yes to being an estate agent.


  1. I agree about CR. Got my copy today, I've been all the way through and only read about Alex...oh, and your letter of course. Most of the pots are not really my taste either, although I see the ever popular picture of Clive's kitchen is in....:-)


  2. oh- love the sunflowers- not that I don't love it all....

  3. yes get writing H you've already had some practice...I stopped getting the mag when the whole design thing changed I'm really not keen on it and wrote them a lovely note saying the design wasn't broken and didn't need fixing but as for content go for it H if that does change i'd be interested it getting my subscription again... :))

  4. Your blog, as usual, is a delight to read! Certainly put me in a better mood than I was in when I got here!!

  5. I love the little jugs H! Scale can be deceiving for sure when we are looking in books or on the web. I thought those must be at least 10".
    It was great to talk w. you yesterday and I am so looking forward to seeing you next year. I'll get busy on that tee shirt order. Ha!!

  6. Hi Hannah, first time commenting on your blog - its really interesting. I too have often wondered where precisely in people's homes my pots are. Have not got my CR copy through yet - I suspect I must be an 'improper potter'! Love your work.

  7. gorgeous little brown jugs, real sweeties they are!
