
Friday, 5 February 2010

Yummy little mugs and friendly beasties

I unpacked a kiln this morning, the first finished pots of 2010. I haven't been so excited about unpacking a kiln in ages, partly because I haven't in fact unpacked a kiln in ages and partly because everything in there was new and exciting and lots of new things tried. I was a bit giddy this morning.

Here are the other two monsters from my collection, thought they'd bring a smile to your face, especially old droopy on the left there.

Slab bird dish with brushed on slip, I made this one just before Christmas. I am very excited about the brushed slip, must play some more with that.

The wall behind my wheel is full of plates now, I like it like that though it does mean I have to be especially careful mounting my wheel and not flail my legs with too much enthusiasm. As for this video here, oh dear do I really sound like that? It's awful! Sorry to inflict my unbelievably awful accent and inane twitter on you but you can always turn the sound off.


  1. love the big platter H very nice brushing slip work and minimal trailing, super cool load and stay off the cider in the am!!!heheheh just kidding! lovely vid...

  2. so fun to hear you laugh and talk Hannah. great load of pots and you're clearly happy with them. I see several I'd love to have. the 'new Hannah' needs to keep it going!!

  3. How cool Hannah. The footed pitchers look as though they could run away....the new mugs are terrific. Wish we could get you over hear to teach some of your slipping secrets.....And the accent :) we have nothing like it in the States so I like to hear it!

  4. Love the beasties - such personality, and the platter is great, it almost looks like laminated wood with the brushing technique you have done, very nice. I'll have to come back for the video, I'm in my RV with my husband is sleeping and he'll kill me if I wake him up. Ha!

  5. FAT seems 2 b the word 4 2010. Perhaps a FAT range will appear later in the year..........

  6. Nice chatting yesterday - loving the thinly brushed slip

  7. The giggling says it all! Great load of pots. I like the big round mugs, especially the whit on white! The brushed on slip is great, keep going, before you know it you'll be painting vines!

  8. Always, always talk during those video tours, Hannah. Love hearing the voice behind the pots, as I do hearing Ron's Southern US accent when he does the same. Very cool. And it's good when you love the pots you make, isn't it? Nice stuff ...

  9. And I like the new Hannah too - I think 2010 is going to be a good one.
